We advise private, public and non-profit entities in areas related to carbon markets, among others. Our advice allows us to verify mitigation actions, with opportunities to certify eligible carbon credits in Colombia or internationally, favoring the sustainability of the actions.
Jessica has over 14 years of experience in international carbon markets. A technical expert in GHG reduction methodologies, she is a member of the UNFCCC Methodologies Panel, Technical Governance Committee of the Gold Standard Foundation and Verra's standardized methods expert. She holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago (USA) and a Master of Science degree from the Universiteit Utrecht (The Netherlands).
She has 20 years of experience in project management in the areas of innovation, climate change and sustainability in Central and South America. Lead auditor, consultant and teacher of sustainability and climate change. Ana is an Environmental Engineer from the School of Engineering of Antioquia, with a Master in Circular Economy (Material and Energy Flow Management) at the University of Trier, Germany.
Miguel has 25 years of experience as a lead GHG mitigation project auditor and technical reviewer, mitigation project developer, and in environmental management in the cement and mining industries. He is a member of the Clean Development Mechanism's Registry and Emissions Team (RIT) and SustainCert's Expert Roster. Miguel holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Universidad de Los Andes.
Public Accountant with complementary studies in Finance from Uniminuto University, he has comprehensive experience in the financial area of the private sector, financial evaluator in public entities. Felipe supports the development of accounting, financial and tax processes of Atmosphere Alternative.
Andrea is a Chemical Engineer and Master in Sustainable Energy Management Engineering. She participates in the analysis of information and estimation of GHG emission reductions for mitigation projects. She has experience in sustainability projects, waste management, carbon footprint measurement and energy diagnostics. His main interest is to contribute to climate change mitigation.
Forestry engineer from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, at the service of society and ecosystems in the integrity of projects for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, implementation of nature-based solutions and natural disaster risk management. Knowledge and experience in the formulation and review of GHG mitigation projects in the AFOLU sector, particularly in the estimation, monitoring and reporting of GHG emission reductions or removals.
Petroleum Engineer from the Universidad de America Foundation with experience in the area of reservoirs, with a high interest in renewable energy, environment, energy sustainability and climate change mitigation. Lina supports and participates in the review, analysis and consolidation of information for the generation of documents focused on actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Chemical engineer and student of the Master in Renewable Energy Generation at the National University of Córdoba. She is knowledgeable about renewable energies and how they can contribute to mitigate climate change and improve people's quality of life. She has experience in the design and evaluation of renewable energy projects, as well as in the development of energy efficiency and corporate sustainability plans.
Environmental engineer from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia with experience in environmental data analysis, hydrology and climatology. His focus is on the sustainability of the agricultural sector, seeking practical and innovative solutions to improve agricultural and livestock productivity, while reducing negative impacts on the environment.
Environmental engineer from Universidad Santo Tomás, with a focus on renewable energies. She has experience in the structuring of projects focused on the reduction of environmental impacts, especially in clean technologies, integrated waste management and mining projects. He has experience in the review of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Environmental Management Plans (EMP) and Environmental Compliance Reports (ECR). As well as in the calculation of the footprint of the energy and health sector.
Forest Engineer from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, with training in areas of restoration and sustainable management of forests, forestry, environmental assessment, among others. With experience in supporting the development and structuring of REDD+ and A/R projects, use and application of methodologies and registration standards for GHG mitigation projects in the AFOLU sector.
Angélica Sanabria is currently pursuing a Technical Degree in Administrative Assistance. She has been working with the company since its inception, where she provides support in administrative and accounting duties. Prior to joining the Atmosphere Alternative team, she worked for 10 years as a beauty therapist, gaining extensive experience in client relations and team collaboration.
It is the Colombian Association of Carbon Market Actors, which was founded in 2018 from the need to have valid scenarios, so that, through a single voice, it becomes viable to analyze, discuss and agree on the construction, strengthening and consolidation of the Colombian carbon market.
The Green Chamber of Commerce is an impact organization that promotes a more humane and sustainable economy, supported by the US Green Chamber of Commerce. It is dedicated to promoting and supporting the transformation of companies and organizations that seek to achieve parameters of sustainability and social responsibility, generating trust among their stakeholders.
ecosecurities is a high-impact environmental services provider with more than two decades of experience in carbon markets and the development of emission reduction projects around the world.